Reviews and Recommendations
" Beyond the Globe and better than the Lord Chamberlain's Men"
The Reader (Chicago, IL)
" Fredric Stone starts his one man show flat on his back and rises to measureless heights.......Stone is a very clever writer and an excellent actor, capable of holding the attention throughout his many changes of character."
Grand Rapids Press (Grand Rapids, MI)
"No posturing and preening here....No strange accents and mumbled words. Fred Stone's performance gives one the idea of what Shakespeare should be like...FUN!"
Inside Lincoln Park (Chicago, IL)
"One of the hot tickets this week in Chicago is for Fred Stone's Will and Testament....a delightful offering. A classy vehicle to enhance an already well-established Chicago acting carreer."
Downtown Lakeshore Leader (Chicago, IL)
"In timing and expression he's a wizard comic; his frenzied interpretation of Launcelot Gobbo's self-serving rationalizations for leaving Shylock's service and his expert mugging as Malvolio in Twelfth Night are vintage vaudeville. Stone pounces on Claudio's fear of death in Measure for Measure, building it with an intensity that lets the words speak for themselves."
The Reader (Chicago, IL)
"Your performance offered a refreshing perspective of the works of Shakespeare......our staff was impressed by your professionalism and meticulous attention to every aspect of your performance."
Sandra Royster, Director of Programs
Chicago Cultural Center
"...a warm homage to Shakespeare. Happily the Bard is as pleased as Stone's audiences."
Lawrence Bommer, Chicago Tribune (Chicago, IL)
"The show from conception through performance was inspiring, inventive, and well crafted. Shakespeare is treated in a modern context with dignity and respect."
Charles Doolittle, Department of Theatre
Oakton Community College
"I wholeheartedly recommend actor/writer Stone's Will and Testament as an outstanding educational and entertaining experience for high school audiences. Fredric Stone has a "spark' to his soul and should be with students to spark their lives."
William W. Myers, Director of Fine Arts Festival
Ottawa Township High School
"To call it a one man show is misleading; it is a rich, full evening in the theatre and our audience loved it. I heartily recommend it."
John Steven Paul, Department of Theatre Chair
Valparaiso University
For more information please contact:
Will and Testament Productions
Fredric Stone (
5040 N. Marine Drive
Chicago, IL 60640
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